This Page Contains Comics For A More Mature Mind, Funnies That Aren't Always Necessarily So. They look at life from different angles, mostly the way people live their lives. If something offends you, I am sorry but it wasn't created to do so. As an example, take the KKK one. I know it isn't funny if you have to explain the humor, but it is just my commentary on things I can only assume they find trivial. Sometimes I make examples of bad people and it comes off bad. Not my intent. I support people of all races, creeds, sexualities, and mindsets. Keep in mind that these won't be funny to everyone. Truth be told, alot of you will be disgusted and walk off in anger, but you aren't who I made them for. I made them for the intellectually sound, those that question their sanity because they know that questioning the only way to prove you are sane. So take them with a grain of salt and don't get all up on me if you think they are trash. Don't Like, Take Walk!

Monday , August 14 , 2000 Comic
First comic Previous comic

______________________ [Commencing 7/25/00 Entry] ______________________
Welcome to A Metaphore For Life, a GrimmSoupGod Production made possible by the groovy peoples in the good land of Keenspace. If you can't tell, I just set up the page and that is why it looks so amateur. I will try to correct that in the next two days. Then it's off to Charlestown, Il for a visit tomy Dad's side of the family. 9 Hours on the road and then 4 days there, with a lovely 9 hour return. Gotta love it. Damn scientists, where is teleportation??? Anyway, email me with your thoughts on my comic. It is my first venture, and I will have others (that are actually GOOD! WOW IMAGINE!) Peace! [End 7/25/00 Entry]
______________________ [Commencing 7/26/00 Entry] ______________________
Oh my gosh. I went to my logs and people actually read my crap. Not only that but they most of the people went through most of the archived strips. They must have been trying to find one that is actually funny. I am going to leave for Chicago tonight, somewhere between 7 and 9, and will be back Sunday night for another update. I personally like the new comic I put up today (which will show up tonight or tomorrow), but I am a dork and whatnot. Anyway, for anyone who reads the strip and enjoys it, feel free to link to it. *wink wink* And if you do *nudge nudge* I will be more than happy to link to you. *Tickle Tickle* Well, I hope I don't die in a terribly violent car crash, strewn about the highway with my innards in the car and my outsides out. Weee. L8er (as many a lame-ass would say.) [End 7/26/00 Entry]
______________________ [Commencing 8/1/00 Entry] ______________________
I guess I have to update by tommorrow. I don't have the cartoon done yet but it will be completed and it will be looked at and noone will laugh or get the message they were supposed to get from it probably, but that is my life. I just got back from "vacation," much more stressed out than when I went. I had it out with my mother and started telling her things she has needed to hear for a long time, but that people won't tell her so they won't hurt her feelings, and she took it all and denied it and tried to turn it back on me. Trechery, I never expected it from her. I was devolved into a inextinguishable inferno of anger, egged on until I couldn't form coherant sentances from frustration and the pure futility of it. In one ear, and out the other. Such is life. Well, I guess I will update later. I did my links page. I checked my log and I have had lots of hits (considerably more than I ever got from my homepage. Remember people, it is a sin in this day and age to care about the fate of your fellow man. The compassionate are seemingly idolized by the media, but swallowed by the masses at large. No good deed goes unpunished. Such is life. [Ending 8/1/00 Entry]
______________________ [Commencing 8/2/00 Entry] ______________________
Well I went and got the car today. A mandaran gold 2001 ford explorer sport 4x4. I want to have sex with this car. It seems like it was specially tailored for me. Well, if it was it would be roomier for the unfortunates sitting in the back seat. Now I just need that pesky licence and I am in business. I am going for my permit today. Wish me luck. God, I can't believe I am 19 and don't have my licence yet. I am suprisingly still alive today. YIPPIE! I am checking on getting a forum going, and will try to have that up by tomorrow or the next day. Word! [Ending 8/2/00 Entry]
______________________ [Commencing 8/7/00 Entry] ______________________
Well, I missed updating when I put my last comic up, but oh well, who notices anyway? I updated my links section with one whole new link! Marvel at my amazingness! Anyway, there is also a forum now if you are into that sort of thing. I should have a new comic up by tomorrow, but that really depends on if I am at home or not when I am supposed to post it. If I am, then you will have to wait a little longer or I will have to come up with one on the spot, not too hard but inconvenient when you already have your next two done elsewhere. Anyway, that is it. I got my permit and realized that I am alot crappier a driver than I thought I was. I have until about the 15th to get my licence. Wish me luck. Woo. [Ending 8/7/00 Entry]
______________________ [Commencing 8/13/00 Entry] ______________________
I am pondering the meaning of existance. Do we exist to serve ourselves or to serve the needs of others throughout our lives? And if the second is true, why does the first occur? Could it be that all things are based on contradiction? Can't it be said that life sucks? Surely. I am just having a little fear and self loathing fit just before school starts up. I'm so very excited to go back and yet at the same time it almost feels like I am so eager to get back just so I can turn my back on the problems at hand. I am on the slip and slide to oblivion and nobody bothered to wax her up for me. Sigh. It is to laugh. I just want to get back to what I know. I need to get back to the other pain and hopefully block it out like the good boy I am. Veggie dip, are you my only friend? Is anyone out there? When the hammer falls back, will anyone hear it in time? [Ending 8/13/00 Entry]
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